Cry Baby?

Took This Photo Two Days Ago
Took This Photo Two Days Ago

Last night, driving home from the Doctor’s office, and listening to the radio, I got a little teary-eyed. Has this ever happened to you?

The right song at the right time.

The right place at the right time.

I met the most wonderful Gastroenterologist last night.

Tomorrow, you’ll find out why.

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What is our most important value as human beings?

Is it kindness, love, compassion?

Some believe it’s kindness. Isn’t kindness the same thing as Love and compassion?


Dropped The Ball?

Same Goes For Forgiveness
Same Goes For Forgiveness

Don’t we hate it when someone makes a mistake?

Guess what, others feel the same way when it happens in reverse.

Take traffic for example. We say things and do hand gestures in our car when someone cuts us off, pulls in front of us or stops suddenly, etc.

And yet we act like we never commit the same offense.

Get a grip and extend forgiveness. And, I’m sorry I didn’t show up at Church yesterday to fulfill my Lector responsibilities. I forgot and and took the day off by mistake.

Has The Door Been Opened?

Maybe. I hope so. Ever have something that’s been sort of nagging at you? Something important? Some critical piece of the puzzle?

Me too. And often (not always), what we seek is an opportunity (an ice-breaker) to open the door.

I think it happened last night. Thanks to my wife for being a positive catalyst.

Now it’s up to me to push the door open a little wider. Please pray that I’ll have the wisdom to demonstrate compassion as well as courage. And I’ll do the same for you. Carpe diem.