Floor plans, doors, windows, stairs, closets, etc

Big cloud at sunset
While selecting this photo from my voluminous iPhone photo library, i mistook it for Glacier’s Continental Divide profile from far away. After adding it and starting this post, realized it’s my backyard tree line from our roof. Context, focus, and randomness all work together for a greater good.

The satisfaction from risk taking dwarfs the satisfaction from waiting and doing nothing.



  1. Solicit ‘extra-inch’ culture story from each cabinet member weekly. * copy me 08.19.22
  2. Share one ‘extra-inch’ culture story in every town hall mtg
  3. Have someone compile every ‘extra-inch’ culture story (copy me 08.19.22)
  4. Create ‘extra-inch’ culture stories viewing area (use multiple, diverse, redundant methods) (copy me 08.9.22)

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.

Spiritually out of office alert

Santa character on a house deck
“Does Santa have your attention now?”

Disney Customer Service basic, “Make eye contact and smile.”

Disney’s Seven Service Guidelines (circa 1990’s)

Spiritually out of office alert…

Assuming we have agreed our out-of-office alerts have ample opportunity for helpful details, let’s proceed farther.

What opportunities remain for going the extra inch in simple, scalable, out-of-office alerts?

Look no farther than the Employee Pillar.

History, customs, icons, values.

Can the way you craft your enterprise-wide out of office alerts embed cultural DNA?

Assuming yes, what is the low-hanging fruit? 

The lamp?

“Pure Nursing”?

Galen’s colors?

Other taglines, words, images, quotes, history, values?

Our journey to understand how seemingly insignificant, robotic (even dogmatic) our out-of-office alerts are, suddenly, we see small details — important Galen details — that add Galen ‘Magic’ to the customer’s experience.

All this opportunity to surprise and delight, and it’s coming from a seemingly insignificant OOO alert.


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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.

We can tell

walk disney quote
“I am never satisfied” is a pretty high bar. Which is perfect for a world-class organizational culture.

We can tell you want a great culture and we can tell you don’t want to do the necessary work.


Well, you talk about it all the time.

And second, you aren’t doing nearly enough to improve any basic cultural metrics.

For example, tell me right now what is your organizational vision.

If you don’t know the vision, no other leader in you organization knows the vision either.

i rest my case your honor.

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.

Culture is always working

disney university hallway
That’s plain Goofy. By design.

A culture by design works for you. A culture by default works against you.

Make no mistake, culture is always busy. Working.

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.

How to execute next steps to convert theory into reality

Typhoon Lagoon
View from Mt. Mayday overlook.


How to execute next steps to convert theory into reality.


Big picture involvement:

Five foundational ownership tracts; 19 total blueprints.

One owner of everything, the CEO.

Up to ten Champions selected from CEO Cabinet; two Champions for each of the five ownership tracts (Leaders, Employees, Customers, Reputation, Improve). Some Cabinet members may be responsible for two ownership tracts.

Ten assistant champions selected from your best, most passionate leaders in Human Resources, Labor Relations, Employee Relations, Compliance, Employment, Marketing, Public Relations, Communications. Assistant Champions should only focus on one ownership tract.

From 15-30 advocate teams selected from every employee, at every level, in every department. This is three to five team advocates per ownership tract.

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  • CEO


  • C-Level Executive (always have two, to solve for unexpected absences)
  • Provides vision, inspiration, commitment

Assistant Champions

  • Cross-functional pair from Human Resources, Labor Relations, Employee Relations, Compliance, Employment, Marketing, Public Relations, Communications.
  • Always have two, to solve for unexpected absences
  • Provides involvement, accountability, commitment
  • For unexpected absences, always be grooming the replacement from the Advocate Team.

Advocate Teams

  • Created from any employee, at any level, in every department
  • 3-6 total per team recommended
  • Cross-functional
  • Provides energy, enthusiasm, effort, commitment

Final blueprint

  • Create action steps
  • Review, organize notes
  • Create plan
  • Discuss
  • Summarize
  • Create final blueprint
  • Present to CEO and Cabinet

Develop and deliver campaign

  • Goals/deliverables
  • Assign roles
  • Timeline
  • Accountability


  • Manage project scope creep
  • Prepare contingency plans for project disruptions
  • Always be grooming replacement/succession

Continuous Improvement

  • Manage health of all teams
  • Grow team bench
  • Measure
  • Celebrate
  • Share
  • Historian documents growth, change, transformation


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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.