How Do We Live The Life We’re Called To Live?

Anything & everything, even at 35k feet.

With anything and everything at our fingertips, it’s increasing more difficult to do the right thing. Writing slows me down, and forces me to think. Thinking helps me let go of things that keep me from doing the right things. It’s not a perfect system, but better than my old one.

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The One Thing Hardly Anyone Prepares For

Closer inspection shows the tiny office (bottom, center) is part of a much brighter future.

The unexamined life is not worth living. – Socrates

I had no crystal clear idea what I stood for nor what direction I wanted to take my life. Tough questions frightened me. So did the truth. I became medicated and distracted with work and having fun. Years ago I set out to change this – it’s still a work in progress.

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Some Blessings Come And Go

Time, money and energy often seem to go down the drain, without any obvious benefits.

We thought parenting was an entitlement. However, our sizable life savings was spent becoming parents. At first I was very disappointed and frustrated that it was gone. And then it hit me, thank God we had it to spend.

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