Weighed down with treasure?

Middle School classroom
Carved out time yesterday to hang out at the middle school during lunch.


Our treasure can weigh us down. All our accumulated possessions from gradually becoming more prosperous as we age through our careers – these things can crush us without our detection until one day something tragic happens.

A wakeup call. A midlife crisis.

Or maybe, if we are intentional for a change, a midlife celebration.

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It’s just a bunch of words

Thoughts often arrive at the most unexpected times. Tore a corner page to write it down.


Pray without ceasing means what? It’s just a bunch of words.

Under a microscope, it looks like a million little things that make up every choice we make about everything:

Some people who’ve been to hell and back (and we all have), you would never know because they never talk about how awful it was. All they talk about is how grateful they are to be back.


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Jesus was an actor

Disney Keynote Speakers
jeff noel is not an entertainer, but he is entertaining.


Jesus was an actor.

Jesus wasn’t an actor.


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PS. We don’t have to be an actor to know that everyone is watching us and judging us, just like we do with everyone else.

Is Matthew Kelly asking the wrong question?

Meds a senior needs to take
Weight loss pills exist. Next up compassion pills?


The wrong question can sound really good and logical.

Matthew asks, “Should we take Church to the people or take the people to the Church?”

Fair question. Good question. But maybe it’s the wrong question.

Why is Church critical to the moral DNA fabric of the human species?

Life is Church. Church isn’t a place, it’s a spirit. Yes there are buildings, but the Kingdom is made of people not bricks.

What’s my responsibility in God’s Kingdom?

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When do we stop discovering the basics?

Two Bald Eagles near Walt Disney World
Yesterday from the back porch, two American Bald Eagles.


Can we soar even though meek?

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

Being gentle and patient is a wise investment, even if it doesn’t seem so.

Kinda like when we discover that in giving, we receive.

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