It is not a sin, nor self-absorption

Vanity Florida license plate
Random license plate yesterday in Gold’s Gym parking lot.


Most of us skip this step because it seems to go against the very thing we are trying to do.

Love others.

Love yourself first or you will never unleash your full potential.

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Your optimism kills me

Windermere 2015 5k photos
Setting up the day before race day.


Windermere 2015 5k photos
The difference one day (race day) makes.


Windermere 2015 5k photos
Just 30 seconds before race starts. Botton right, Andrew Brickweg, 15, took 3rd overall.


As the microwave timer chimed and the 55-year old added a tablespoon of honey to the cup of plain hot water, the 14-year old asked, “What are you doing?”

The old man said, “A little honey gives the hot water a little flavor.”

Then the 14-year old said to the 55-year old, “Your optimism kills me.”

The old man had always wondered about life, especially mornings, without caffeine. Because for the past 20 years or so, caffeine seemed indispensable.

He’s realized in the past 100 days that caffeine was an unnecessary, and distracting crutch.

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When someone dies what do we say?

Infamous Magic Kingdom Honey Bucket
The Honey Bucket (for Horse excrement). A metaphor for our lives.


When someone dies what do we say?

  • So sorry.
  • Sorry for your loss.
  • Praying for you and your family.

What if:

  • You were so lucky to have her in your life.
  • What a blessing he must have been.
  • Treasure the wisdom you gained.

We are all going to die. Maybe the best defense is a good offense:

Live like you mean it.

Death isn’t what we fear. We fear that we waited too long to start living fully in our mundane, routine, daily-grind moments.

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Don’t forget your umbrella

Disneyland's Pirates of the Caribbean


(photo: Dream Suite signage almost hidden at the top.)

The strong and healthy have no need of a physician. In our strenuous and constant efforts to find peace and contentment in God, we may actually drift too far from shore. Stormy weather wakes us up to understand, once again, the danger of being too far away.

Arhg matey, calm weather never made a skilled sailor.

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The paradox of truth

Disney Motivational Keynote Speaker
A Mid Life Celebration advocate created this and posted it on LinkedIn.


Look around.

The paradox of truth is the difference between fact and belief.

Belief is the key, not fact.

There are things that no one can visibly prove, because critical, tangible facts will never be seen.

Show us a picture of God. Impossible.

Yet we can unhesitatingly believe in the impossible, or we can adamantly not believe in these mysteries.

It comes down to the simple choice of believing or not believing.

Show us a picture of faith, hope, and love.

It’s up to us to decide if these are fact or fiction.

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