If we stop exercising, does that make us prone to stop praying? It would seem like the focus and discipline correlation between physical activity and spiritual activity would be significant. Quitting, and other easy options, say excuses, can become quite an unhealthy habit.
Teaching last night after dinner, on the top hospital floor, I heard a helicopter. Immediately, intuitively, I said a brief prayer, knowing that it was dark, a helicopter was landing on the roof, and we were at a hospital. This couldn’t be good.
Note: Occasionally, I’ll take a moment to share why I don’t bring closure to most posts. In this example, my thinking was, “How often do we go through the motions and miss opportunities to help someone, even if only for a second”. If we could, and we don’t…why?
Bonus: And then the hope would be…will thinking about this short, pithy post prompt anyone to try harder tomorrow.
I was on two planes yesterday. And then two more flights later this week. Almost every week. Road warrior. Professional speaker. Husband. Dad…
One thing I always do before and after every flight is pray. I pray for the pilots and crew and all the passengers and their families. To get there safely, and to give thanks as soon as we do.
What if spent as much time praying and serving others each day as we did watching TV? Or prayed and served as much as we exercised? Or prayed as much as we read?
Maybe we already do. I believe what I do for a living is mission work. A calling to help busy business people. That’s a minimum of 10+ hours of “work” per day. Does that improve the “feeling grateful” vibe?