January 24 he put a gun in his mouth

jeff noel slogan think differently
Love how Disney Institute has adopted my business tag-line .think .differently (see the darker text near the bottom)


January 24 (today), in 2013, he put a gun in his mouth.

He was at his work desk.

He sent an email to dozens of people just before he took his life.

Received his email the minute he hit enter.

i called him immediately.

Thought it was some stupid joke.

After the first ring, i hung up.

“What if he’s not joking?”

Hell is real and no one is immune.

After four years, i just feel compelled this morning to write this – bad things happen to good people.

The beauty of daily writing (for 3,200+ consecutive days) is that it’s healthy in a way i never knew when i did not write..

There is no email subscription option on my blogs, no place to comment, and i don’t actively recommend these personal blogs to anyone.

Even though his letter clearly stated why Scott did this, we will never understand Scott’s why.


• • • • •

This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.

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May Peace be with you

WFTV channel 9 news van at Mosque
This would have been so easy to miss because i was 60 meters away on the opposite side of a busy road.


WFTV channel 9 news van at Mosque
The scrolling sign randomly captured the image shown.


WFTV channel 9 news van at Mosque
Added the bike to provide “proof” of the mash up between giving my sore leg a break and finding a creative alternative.


Even to smile is Charity. – Prophet Mohammad

Three days ago Brussels suffered two suicide bomber attacks.

Guessing the news van yesterday (the day after) was to share what the Muslim community is thinking in light of these events.

i pray for Peace.





On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.

This website is about our spiritual health. To leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s career health website, click here.


Rarely do our emotions become so raw and our priorities so clear

stamps placed upside down to show love
Been placing every stamp upside down since the late ’90’s, when my Dad got sick


Rarely do our emotions become so raw and our priorities so clear as when a major wake up call arrives completely unannounced, and completely devastates our sense of normal.

The morning of September 11, 2001 was one of those wake up calls.

The morning of January 24, 2013 -102 days ago – a friend sent me (and many others) an email and then took his life.

While this post is old news, it is being written now, January 26. Real life in real time.

Really hard life in really hard times.

Please pray for everyone who’s ever been exposed to suicide, which is probably all of us.

Three blogs on balance so far, a quick jump over to our moneymaker (job), click here please.



a teddy bear and a father at a canadian airport
Fond memories of seven trips in 2011


The work day begins early for many of us, usually between 5am and 6am here. When not traveling, I work remotely, meaning from home.

It was yesterday, January 24, 2013, 8:47am (yes, 100 days ago).

I was sitting at my desk… ding – you know the little sound our laptops make when a new email arrives.

It was the most horrible email ever.

And the world stopped turning.

What drives a person to take their own life?

An act of love? An act of hate? What?


Three blogs on balance so far, a quick jump over to our moneymaker (job), click here please.