Is this bad?

Young boy on annual Summer trip to Sanibel Island


(photo: eight-years old July 2009… our cottage over his shoulder… standing on the beach)

What if we take a week off from praying and serving others and think only of ourselves.

Is that bad?

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Got a minute?

Church steeple in Iowa City, iowa
Out for a run yesterday, counted hundreds of blessings


Got a minute? Just one minute, maybe even a little bit less than that…

Often challenging to focus on what’s just ahead of us, let alone 10-30 years down the road.

Did you start your day on your knees?

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The classic race most of us run is the daily race against time – part two older blog post
To shed ourselves of unneeded things is life’s greatest challenge.


(photo: windshield wiper going back and forth like a metronome on a 10-hour drive)

The classic race most of us run is the daily race against time – part two.

Who’s got time to start each day on bended knee?

This is exactly why we can’t find even one minute to pause before the day begins.


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