On phone during earthquake

apple watch screen
On the phone during a Calendly scheduled call with Utah when the Earthquake happened.

On phone during yesterday’s Salt Lake City earthquake. Strongest quake there since 1992.


Tanner just said he had to go, a family emergency. He had no idea what was happening. His wife is from California and had a hunch it was an earthquake.

In a moment, things can change.



Anything, really.

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Diet coke, no ice please

Disney Luggage Tag
Disney Luggage Tag, and business phone.


She sat next to me on the flight from Charlotte to Little Rock.

She asked if she could have the whole can of diet coke but was denied.

When it was my turn to order a drink i asked for diet coke, no ice.

After the flight attendant was finished with our row, i gave her my drink.

Be helpful when you can.

Have fun when you can.

Check and check.


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The conditions are nothing i could have planned for

Bear Grass
Bear Grass.


Glacier weather
Yesterday’s Howe Ridge fire update. Screenshot yesterday, August 23, 2018.


The conditions are nothing i could have planned for.

Not the cooler and wetter weather – that’s easy to plan for.

The Howe Ridge fire.

Going-To-The-Sun-Road is closed from Apgar to Logan Pass.

What would have been an hour drive up from Apgar is now a 2.5 to 3-hour drive around the East side and up.

There are also potential closures of Many Glacier Hotel and Granite Park Chalet.

For now, i’ve moved the Apgar accommodations to the East side.

Time will tell.


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We lost a friend, colleague, coach and teacher over the weekend

Epcot water bridge
Little did i know yesterday morning during a run that this photo would be a symbol of hope. It’s speculated we pass through some sort of light on our way to the afterlife.


We lost a friend, colleague, football coach and art teacher over the weekend. He was in his 40’s with no warning signs. He leaves behind his wife and 10th-grade daughter.

At 16, our Son has reached a stage in life were these realities are starting to catch his attention.

Someone who “shouldn’t have” died, died for no apparent reason and without any warning.

Not fair.


The school counsellors shared this resource via email last night.

The stages of grief that you may see in your child are:

  1. Denial
  2. Anger
  3. Bargaining
  4. Depression
  5. Acceptance

Please go here for more details about these stages and what to expect.

It is a solemn reminder of life’s fragile nature.

May Brad Ramsey’s Family find enough comfort and peace surrounding them to heal their broken hearts.


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This website is about our spiritual health. To leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s career health website, click here.


The conversation took a turn i wasn’t expecting

business wisdom on a napkin
The cafe’s napkin became the chalkboard.


business wisdom on a napkin
i love that great ideas can come at anytime and can be captured on anything.


business wisdom on a napkin
She kept the napkin.


The conversation took a turn i wasn’t expecting. We tried all year to meet for an hour to catch up. It finally happened yesterday.

A former client at Disney Institute and one of Orlando’s most recognizable brands besides Walt Disney World.

Nearing the end of our hour, she initiated a transition to business conversation. Never saw it coming because of what i thought were political barriers.

It’s wonderful to be completely wrong sometimes.




This website is about our spiritual health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my career health website, click here.