Truth be told?

florida swampland
Florida swampland is heaven for the right creatures

Truth be told about prayerful people. On the outside looking in, they look like they have life all figured out and are blessed beyond measure with minimal challenges.

Reality check: They struggle just as much (or more) with the things everyone else does. If you click the hyperlink “Blog” below in “Next Blog“, you’ll get a one-sentence crystalized summary of what I mean…

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How can you not pray for the privilege of another day?

Need a reminder? Every photo (on every post) has a caption:

gift of life
The gift of life is awakening
breaking dawn
on our way to 35k' feet
heaven on earth
Life is not a dress rehearsal
daily bread
Live like you mean it

When I’m on my A-game, praying is constant and focused, just below the surface of what people see – I’m praying with every breath I take – I’m so incredibly in tune with the infinite blessings God places in us and around us.

When I’m at my worst, I’m going through the motions, hardly aware that each breath is a gift. Well, breathing may be easy today for me (and you), but there are countless people who will take their last at some point today.

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Unanswered questions are gold

unanswered questions are gold
Gold is reserved for the tallest spires

Ever wonder why some people seem happier than the general population?

Ever wonder why some people get promoted much faster than others?

Ever wonder why some people have six or more children?

Ever wonder why people give up too soon?

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Oh My Gosh, Dear Lord

Dear Lord, thank you for yesterday’s challenge? Oh my gosh, second straight month this child has tested my patience with disruptive behavior. Last month from the back row while Cheryl spoke. But yesterday, from the front row, while I spoke.

As obvious as the opposing fans behind the basketball backboard waving those noodles. But I’m completely engaged with launching the sermon – about Jesus’ authority of all topics. Aghast by his blatantly disrespectful mocking, and his undeterred behavior, even with my improvisation to call it out in hopes he’d stop.

I quickly drew every child’s attention to the image below and launched a different sermon than intended…

This is what gives Jesus authority over other teachers.

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