Personal growth even on the smallest levels

Contemporary Resort and Bay Lake Towers


(photo: heading East near the south end of Main Street USA)

When we are no longer willing to wait for tomorrow to fulfill our goals, dreams, ideas, and activities we open ourselves to a renewed sense of wonder, anticipation, adventure, and fun.

Not to mention growth.

Even on the smallest levels.

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If an Orlando Based Motivational Speaker challenges you

Bronze statue of horseman saving calf at CSU campus


(photo: Commit to doing something that will have positive ripple effects and help make the world a better place)

If an Orlando based motivational speaker ever challenges you to “Do Something Great”, this is exactly the thing she/he is referring to…

The opposite of sitting around simply hoping.

Simple doesn’t mean easy, but it does mean simple.

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So thankful to have snapped

Severe weather related delays during August travel


(photo: severe weather related days are tough on passengers… even tougher on the airline industry employees)

So thankful to have snapped. You know, lost patience, got overly excited, and said regretful stuff to strangers.

First class bulk head seat. Had to stow roller bag and backpack in overhead compartment. Protocol is to place smaller bag under the seat in front of you. Not an option in bulk head. She commented sarcastically to her companion about ‘some people are taking all the space’. Guess who snapped back?

Later, boarding a departing Denver flight with 30-minute connection in Atlanta. Created a plan and a Delta employee gave permission to do it. Later a second employee was advised (simply as a courtesy) and she said, ‘Oh no, that’s not gonna happen’, you need to blah, blah, blah…’. Snapped again.

Apologized moments after the first snap.

Never got to on the second one. Forgave us both for our behaviors.

Thankful to see there is still progress to be made to get to 100%.

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