Midlife Celebration Follows jeff noel’s 97/3 Rule

Few walk against the grain.

Dear Son, the facts of life are real, but no one would ever describe them as fair. But life’s facts are indeed, fair. Surrendering, serving others, and self-control are extremely simple concepts to grasp – common sense one might say, but far from common practice. Can 2012 be our best year ever? Probably for 3%.

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Mid Life Celebration Is Committed To Work Life Balance And Baby Boomer Wellness

It has something to do with values, commitment and courage.

Dear Son, here’s a dirty little secret I’ve been quietly teaching you for 11 years: only 3% of the population, in any endeavor, will be fully committed.

The other dirty little secret is that nearly 100% want to be committed, but can not handle the focus and discipline required. They (the 97%) have it in them to be committed, but haven’t found the secret the others (the 3%) maximize.

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Common Sense Ought To Be Common, But It’s A Fairly Rare Commodity

How many Boomers can engage in common sense 365 days out of 365?

Boomers, as we begin 2012, I’m (re)committed to looking deeply into my soul and doing the best unbiased assessment of how often common sense prevails in my life. It would seem only 3% of Baby Boomers have common sense as a commodity.

Truth be told, I’m on a mission to rally the 3%. You happy with the state of our world? Ready to pass it on to children? This is when I tell myself, “Shut up or put up”.

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Common Sense Got It’s Name From Two Words

Common sense tells Americans Freedom isn't free.

Common sense got it’s name from two words:

  1. Common: simple and prevalent
  2. Sense: realistic attitude to situations and problems

Happy New Year 2012. Will common sense become significantly common practice?

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