Smart Or Wise?

A Matter Of Survival?
A Matter Of Survival?

Today is the first day back to school for many Central Florida children. And all across the Country, students of all ages are gearing up. Many of our friends (the same age) have college seniors.

Some have grandchildren.

We have a 4th grader.

The conversation last night revolved around the fundamental difference between being smart and being wise. Here’s the moral.

Being smart can help you understand that there are low to no-interest loans available to buy stuff. Being wise helps you understand that unless you have cash, you should wait.

Being smart tells you your parents will never know you tried to smoke a cigarette. Being wise tells you smoking is bad news, period.

Think About It
Think About It

jungle jeff

You Can’t

As Simple As A Flower
As Simple As A Flower

Ever struggle to get results in an important area in your life, but no matter what you do, your efforts are fruitless?

Yesterday’s post reminded me that our example speaks louder than our words:

“What you do thunders so loudly, I can’t hear what you say”. — Emerson

(next blog)


What is our most important value as human beings?

Is it kindness, love, compassion?

Some believe it’s kindness. Isn’t kindness the same thing as Love and compassion?
