The Curse Of Consistency Is That Boomers Can Become Numb To The Omnipotence

Only A Dummy Would Continue To Go Through Life Without Fixing This

Boomers, we are what we repeatedly do. The challenge with developing omnipotent habits is to never loose the original intent. We learn by doing things over and over until we can do the habit in our sleep. Some of our habits were never meant to become habits.

While repetition is the mother of all learning, repetition is also a leading cause of our blind spots. PS. This is post 4,998, to read post 4,999 please click Next Blog

Deeply Embedded And Omnipotent Habits Are A Blessing and Curse

A Huge Midlife Paradox

Baby Boomers rely on midlife habits for consistency and effectiveness. So do excellent companies, like Disney, Chick-fil-A, and Nordstrom. A Boomer’s midlife blessing is contained in the consistency. A Boomer’s midlife curse is also contained in this consistency. This is an important midlife paradox to sort out.

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What If Catholics Got Tired Of The Father, The Son, And The Holy Spirit?

Um, things go better with, um...God, Jesus & The Holy Spirit? Yes. Final answer.

Catholics bless everything in the name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. For 2011 straight years. Never gets old. It has become what Catholics think and do without thinking. A deeply embedded, and omnipotent, habit that is literally written in stone.

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Lost…Chapter 3 of 5

(Today, all 5 blogs are used to tell a story. At the end of this post is a link to the next “story chapter”. To visit all five 20-second chapters, click the bold word Blog at the end)

Finally, the Ship’s security measures were satisfied, and we still needed to determine if there would be time to do this…

There was so much going on….

But finally, the time had come for…

This is where it really gets interesting…and full of surprises...

The story, Chapter 4, continues at Next Blog