When people who try to help you by encouraging you, by making suggestions, by practicing what they preach – sometimes obnoxiously – when they stop doing that, you know what I’d do if I where you?
Disney Customer Service Keynote Speaker
Five daily blogs about life's 5 big choices on five different sites.
When people who try to help you by encouraging you, by making suggestions, by practicing what they preach – sometimes obnoxiously – when they stop doing that, you know what I’d do if I where you?
What’s at the very center of your life?
You know what most people say, right?
Hands down.
Me too.
Cheryl and Chapin.
Yet it is Jesus that allows this miracle, of Family and Love, to bloom.
So do we, or should we, put Jesus before or after Family?
We are taught many things in our lifetimes. Information. Lessons.
When we are young, we are taught to respect adults and trust that they know what they are talking about.
Once we become adults, we realize how many questions we have that still remain unanswered.
Like, “What is Church?”
Perhaps Church is anywhere there are two or more gathered to serve in God’s name, like yesterday, in our car.
Amazing happens. Like the birth of the Messiah, in a stable. That first Christmas was 2009 years ago, in a little town called Bethlehem. What if for some divine reason, it happened in today’s digital world.
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