Can I make it to May 31?
Does it even matter?
I’m not sure about either.
So I’m gonna at least try.
Dude, what are you talking about?
Writing five blogs per day for nearly three months straight.
Sometime in February, I can’t remember exactly, I challenged myself to write daily in the five blogs that I am the most passionate about.
Some days, it flows from my mind and heart to the keyboard, like the water over Niagara Falls – a You Tube clip.
Other days, it feels like the Sahara Desert – photos.
If you’ve never written everyday, for an extended period, it’ll challenge you in ways you never thought.
Throw in a full time job, a Family, and all the other privileges and obligations of being a mid-life adult, and it can really be a grind. And, many days, it can really be an awakening.
And so it goes. May 21, 2009. Ten more days.
When was the last time you really pushed yourself? I mean seriously pushed yourself to grow?
Hope you like your answer. Carpe diem, jeff noel