Lord’s Prayer every morning?

At the beginning of April, I decided to see if I could develop a new habit.

Habits are easy to start if you’re not trying, especially if they are something that sounds like this:

The easier it is to do, the harder it is to stop“.

So it also works this way:

The harder it is to do, the harder it is to change“.

Don’t believe it? Then try to wake up and kneel by your bed, for just a minute, to say a few prayers. “Dude, if it were easy, you’d already be doing it”, is what I say to myself.

Made 26 straight days, until this morning. I’m forgiving myself though. Know why?

I woke up in at Disney’s Animal Kingdom Lodge – Kidani Village, in a spectacular room with a spectacular view. Disney Vacation Club’s newest offering opens May 1.

I later said the three payers in the car as I drove to downtown Orlando, to do my civic duty as a Juror.

Good luck tomorrow on whatever it is you are trying to do or stop doing. I know first hand the challenges, and rewards, for not giving up.

Get started and never stop. Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

Silent Happiness?

Silent Happiness?

Silence fertilizes the deep place where personality grows. A life with a peaceful center can weather all storms“. — Norman Vincent Peale

I find myself questioning Norman’s thought. Why? Because life is really difficult right now for many, many people. It’s so difficult and uncertain, that many of us, myself included, don’t want to admit it.

Therefore, I fall back on everything I know to be true. God never said it would be easy, He just said we would not have to go alone.

Peace and carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

Present Attitude?

“”Happiness is a present attitude – not a future condition“. — Hugh Prather

I can not claim to be an expert in anything, except my own personal opinion.

There was a time in my life, decades really, when I waited for external conditions to influence my happiness. Perhaps I even thought that I was happy, with the daily “partying”. Obviously, I can’t trade those years back for a do-over. And maybe in the midst of all those years, I actually was happy. It’s just that I eventually came to realize, it wasn’t the happiness I longed for.

So, the happiness I feel now, is very different than the past 30 years. It’s a simple and thankful happiness. Breathe in my nostrils, food on my plate, a clean shirt.

It’s my opinion that Hugh Prather speaks the truth. Carpe diem , jeff noel 🙂