The person you tell yourself you can’t be

Orlando Inspirational speakers


(photo: Another accidental photo from yesterday. This one from an 80-minute run behind Walt Disney World before going to Gold’s Gym.)

Is your life organized enough so that you can occasionally push yourself?

Congrats if it is.

Prayers if it’s not.

Expect one set back after another. That’s what every successful person (that you tell yourself you can never be) does.


Yes, successful people have a key trait that is developed through trial and error.

It’s called perseverance.

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So what, no one cares (yet the wisdom is priceless)

Disneyland Downtown Disney Starbucks Reserve
Final day at Disneyland provided 30 minutes for breakfast before a 6:45am cab to John Wayne Airport


Disneyland Downtown Disney Starbucks Reserve
View looking straight ahead – camera and giant screen to the left (out of sight)


Disneyland Downtown Disney Starbucks Reserve
Special interactive TV screen was fun to watch


It seems the 10,000 blog post milestone is close.

So what?


So what?

Here’s what. It began by writing a single post.



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So challenging not to judge others isn’t it?

headlights in our rearview mirror
We were both parked for 15 minutes waiting for our children to finish Youth Ministry (I put the sun shade on the back window)


So challenging not to judge others isn’t it? But that’s the goal, to not judge.

Even when it’s difficult, it doesn’t mean we are failing, it means we are trying harder than we ever have. Take solace in that. And keep winning the battle over judging.

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Prayers are most often answered after we think they won’t be

Private school events calendar
Public school, private school, and then there’s parental teaching


Prayers are most often answered after we think they won’t be.

But there’s a catch.

We must never stop praying, and trying, and hoping.

Last night this was validated (again).

PS. The long way is always the best short cut.

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PS. Sorry for the parental obscurity, the details are complicated, the emotion nearly overwhelming. And so it goes.