3 Thoughts To Center Yourself

Restaurant Wall Photo From Last Night's Dinner
Restaurant Wall Photo From Last Night's Dinner

Here are three challenging thoughts to get yourself more centered on what you need to do each day, all day:

1. Be the change you wish to see

2. Preach the Gospel everyday, and if necessary, use words

3. What you do thunders so loudly, I can’t hear what you say

Good luck.

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Are These Paths Different Other Than Color?
Are These Paths Different Other Than Color?

Sisters Clanton and Akin came to talk to me on Friday night, but I did most of the talking. Probably a defense mechanism, designed to control a stereotypical conversation from “door-to-door salespeople”. They were selling the good news of Jesus, according to their Book of Mormon.

They were kind, friendly and very gracious.

Wish these questions would have come rushing forward before they left:

Do you still want or need to speak with me, after knowing I’m a full-blown Christian?

Who’s your target audience?

What’s at the very center of your belief that is critically different from mine?