
Son, our choices make us. Prayer is something I do constantly. Like you heard the other day. Prayer, to me, is simply a conversation with God. You can speak out loud, or quietly have the talk in your mind – your inner, unobservable thoughts.

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Yesterday’s answer: You must become, through your actions (not words), the change you wish to see.


Religion is a funny thing. What should be a good vibe is almost always a negative vibe. Religion. It turns many off. Closes them. Annoys them. Maybe it’s because they are afraid of their lack of Faith.

Maybe it’s because many so-called religious people are fair-weather fans.

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Yesterday’s answer: Hurt.

Jesus Was A Doer

Jack (Teddy Bear) is a doer too, as he travels the globe, encouraging others to follow their childhood dreams…can you find Jack?

Jack at the ‘peak’ of a 15 foot tall snow mound in Bridgetown, Nova Scotia…

Jesus not only preached The Gospel, He helped write The Gospel.

Jesus advised people what they should do.

And he led from the front. Jesus was the ultimate doer.

What this means should be obvious. What is obvious is overlooked. What is overlooked becomes a habit. What becomes a habit, makes us an example or a warning.

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