Before anyone's quite ordinary if you're not prepared and focused.As we begin in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Yesterday’s post reminded us the influence a song, a child, and even the Internet can make. As dawn breaks here in Orlando, and Cheryl and I ready our Family to head to Church, will the 15 minutes we lead Children’s Liturgy of the Word have any influence whatsoever?
When was the last time someone came up to you and asked, “Will you teach me how you do it, since you’re an expert?”
Like never, right? Yeah, me too.
But yesterday that changed. A neighbor, and Pastor, asked if he could “shadow” me and watch the blogging process. He knows I write five different, but interconnected, blogs every morning.
Our first meeting will be in the next few days, at 5:30AM.
Are you dedicated? Are you an expert? Do people ask you for advice?
You’re invited to share tips here if you want. Or, just come along for the ride. God doesn’t waste anything. Everything is used for good, even our mistakes and regrets.