Make Me Cry

A couple days ago, while sitting in Church with my Family, I got teary-eyed three separate times in less than an hour.

Why? Where you sad?

Nope. Happy.


Yes. And thankful.

If I have to explain this to you, chances are, you won’t understand.

However, if you don’t understand but would like to, simply scroll down and read yesterday’s blog post.

Pray Without Ceasing

Life is hard for many people this time of year. Add to that unprecedented times, and we have an overwhelming number of people who are struggling in one way or another right now.

And I mean struggling at a greater intensity than many generations can recall.

It sure seems that way to me.

Can you imagine being Tiger Woods right now, or President Obama, or even the Pope?

Can you imagine being the average American who can no longer put food on the table, when a year ago they could quite easily?

I worry about a lot more than I used to. So, now more than ever, the phrase, “Pray without ceasing“, has a special meaning.

And also a special obligation.