How much time, treasure, and talent do we volunteer?

Giving freely, abundantly, and often makes us smile, and we know this


How much time, treasure, and talent do we volunteer? And where do we spend it?

What’s the payoff?

Do we (should we) even concern ourselves with any ‘payoff’?

Or can we serve simply because in the giving we receive?

Yeah, final answer.

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The echo from Lane 8…

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What’s your claim? I am USATF (Lane 8).


The echo from Lane 8…

Here’s a dirty little secret – later never comes.

With exercise.

And often, with loving Jesus (or whomever or whatever you worship).

The insidious decline of positive dreams and habits.

We covered mind, body, and spirit so far… clicking Blog (below) takes us to money where for decades, we stay on the treadmill of life, waiting for retirement to start living…

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