Do You Believe God Appreciates What You Do?

Do you believe God appreciates what you do? As humans we are perfectly imperfect. God gets this. We should too. In today’s tough economic climate, it’s deceptively easy to wallow in self-pity. You know, the sorrow of feeling unimportant and insignificant. And worse yet, unappreciated.

From sunup to sundown, and back again, God appreciates what we do.

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New Day

University of New Mexico early morning run 2011

Ever try to calculate the value of another brand new day? When I’m able to carve out time for a morning run while traveling, amazing messages call out to be noticed. This chalk message at the University of New Mexico was a profoundly positive, and an unexpected way to be reminded of the basics.

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How Can We Not Have An Answer To The Most Important Question In Life?

The Palouse, Whitman County, eastern Washington State, our home early ’80’s…

I’ve asked hundreds, if not a thousand people, “What is the meaning of life”?

Without fail, 99% start with a blank, confused, or guilty stare.

Then reply, “That’s a great question”.

Really? That’s all you have? Shouldn’t our answer be as easy as what’s 2 + 2?

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