When we feel like God is not close

Large patch of black-eyed susans
The yellow (brick?) road leads to you at the far end


When we feel like God is not close, let us remember that there is nothing in this world that can separate us from Him. Ever.

Never. Ever.

Even when we walk away.

There is no excuse for God not being in our life.

Next Blog

Know What God Wastes?

Your Trip Might Also Be Scarier
Your Trip Might Be Long, AND Scary


God wastes nothing.

Take solace in this.

Know that everything good in life takes longer than you expect.

Our two choices: believe in yourself and know it will be a long journey, or not believe, quit, and the trip will be even longer.

No Lizards, Only Chickens @ Next Blog

And Colder
Your Trip Might Also Be Cold

What Will It Take?

When you’re waiting for the light to turn green, sitting in your vehicle, or on the bus, does your mind ever wander into crazy territory?

You think of something and you can’t recall where such a powerful thought was born.

Ann Rice recently denounced organized religion.

Her son is gay. Anne Rice is in conflict.

It occurred to me that she is committing the very sin she is opposing.

What will it take?

God Is Everywhere

Toronto International Airport
Toronto International Airport

Life is like a treadmill at a gym. You get on and you go and go, but you never get anywhere.

We go through our motions day after day, sometimes, we have no idea how much time is passing by.

And then things happen. Unexpected things. Things that might leave us feeling regret.

There is no immunity from regret, but there is a prescription for it.

Ash Wednesday And Lent

The Road To Easter
The Road To Easter

Ash Wednesday and Lent.

Happens year after year around this time.

How many of us forgot?

How many of us didn’t forget, but were simply “going through the motions”?

Easter is the most important day in the life of a Christian.

Christmas is critical, but loses all meaning without Easter.

You have thought of that, right?