Praying some day videos like this will not be funny

Praying some day videos like this will not be seen as a funny.



The world is breaking down barriers. It just seems to take forever.

Patience is strength.

Diversity is strength.

Diversity is a core American value.

This is especially important if we do not fit into one of the big, traditional stereotypes.

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Our common denominator is Love

Raccoon in Homeowner trap
Jesus came to set us free from the devil’s traps


Jesus Christ is the savior of the world. If this is what you believe, Happy Easter.

If it is not what you believe, Happy Day!

The fruit of love is service and the fruit of service is peace. – Mother Teresa

No matter our differences as to the source of our infinite blessings, the common denominator is love.

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Learning While Traveling

They speak with an accent, but they don’t think with an accent…the music is different…

The main form of local transportation is different….

It even requires a license…

Not far from the tourism, the real world passes by…Island Time….

Sports are the same, as is the sense of community…

Worship revolves around the same thing….


It’s challenging to find time to nurture our spirit. Even more difficult when we are surrounded by unfamiliar food, places, music, and customs.

But the more things change, the more they stay the same.

We are reminded, if we try, that our differences are only in food, places, music and customs. The most important aspect of being human is the same the world over.

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Happy Easter

Happy Easter. This is my fifth post today and I’m going to do the same thing as the fourth post, take a short cut.

Click DIVERSITY to read it.

You’ll find the blog post interesting whether you celebrate Easter or not. If you don’t find the article interesting, I’m sorry.

Make today a GREAT day, because if you don’t, who will. Carpe diem, jeff 🙂