So full of belief and assurance… when does the devil begin his attack?

First Holy Communion
So full of belief and assurance… when does the devil begin his attack?


A friend said she has another book idea. The conversation lasted 30 minutes. The one memorable item was when she mentioned she doesn’t know what it feels like to be homeless.

The immediate thought was that society defines homeless as someone without a roof over their head.

What about the spiritually homeless?

What’s missing isn’t a physical roof, what’s missing is a loving roof over their head.

Sure they have shelter, but they desperately yearn for reassurance and hope.

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It is actually simple to understand once we discover it

Disney's Grand Californian Resort rom balcony overlooking pool area
Thank you for providing a teacher’s heart: as a dad and as a speaker.


Dear Heavenly Father, you have given each and everyone of us a purpose here on Earth.

It is actually simple to understand once we discover it.

What the devil does though, is distract us with temptations.

The devil is so darned good at this that some never discover the second most magnificent day in their lives.

Feel joyous if you feel blessed to know your purpose.

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Spirit sound bite yesterday

Times Square on a January Saturday night
Heading to dinner last night, a short walk from hotel


Spirit sound bite observed yesterday:

Don’t sell yourself short.

A different friend shared this and then leaned over as our dinner conversation was wrapping up and said he also plans to write a book.

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