Twas the Night Before

Peace, Everyday - Minnesota
Peace, Everyday - Minnesota

“Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.”

After yesterday’s loooong post, just wanted to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas.

May the peace that surpasses all understanding, and the love that is never ending, bless you this day with unspeakable joy!

Advent 2009

Advent begins today. Click here if you’d like a refresher on Advent.

Advent, preparing for the coming of the Christ Child.

Is there anything more exciting, more joyful, than the anticipation of the coming of a savior?

Seriously. Anything?

I think not. At least not in my tiny brain.

This year, a promise was made to be more prepared than ever before. To:

  • Be fully present
  • Be fully alive
  • Be fully joyful
  • Be fully hopeful
  • Be eternally grateful
  • Be “bow-down-on-my knees” humble

But that’s just me. What and or how are you preparing?

Why Followers Want Passion

Why do followers want passion?

Forgive me please. A few days ago, I promised to elaborate. So here it is.

Why do followers want passion? Pardon the boldness, but isn’t it obvious?

No. Seriously. Isn’t it obvious?

Who the heck wants to follow someone who doesn’t have passion?

Think about what it is that you admire in truly great leaders.

Passion usually revolves around wanting to do something very important, but with this caveat – to do something important even better. To do more of it.

And the funny thing is, the passion is so overwhelming, that others are drawn to it beyond their control.

Moses, Paul, Peter, John, Mary. Ya with me?


Catechist’s Prayer

Catechist’s Prayer:

“Gracious and all loving Father, out of love for all people you spoke your Word who became flesh for our salvation. May your Word transform me so that the message of your Son, our Lord, may be echoed through my teaching. Allow me to guide the hearts of those whom I teach in such a way that they will enter more deeply into your way of truth and salvation. Grant me the insight needed to lead them to know, love, and serve you. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, may they become hearers and followers of your Word, so that they may help transform the world to follow the way of life your Son has called us all, for he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.”

Copyright 2009, US Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, D.C. All rights reserved.

Wednesday nights are reserved on our schedule for Catechism. Our son attends, and I help Miss Jane, the Instructor.