Pray Without Ceasing

Life is hard for many people this time of year. Add to that unprecedented times, and we have an overwhelming number of people who are struggling in one way or another right now.

And I mean struggling at a greater intensity than many generations can recall.

It sure seems that way to me.

Can you imagine being Tiger Woods right now, or President Obama, or even the Pope?

Can you imagine being the average American who can no longer put food on the table, when a year ago they could quite easily?

I worry about a lot more than I used to. So, now more than ever, the phrase, “Pray without ceasing“, has a special meaning.

And also a special obligation.

Advent 2009

Advent begins today. Click here if you’d like a refresher on Advent.

Advent, preparing for the coming of the Christ Child.

Is there anything more exciting, more joyful, than the anticipation of the coming of a savior?

Seriously. Anything?

I think not. At least not in my tiny brain.

This year, a promise was made to be more prepared than ever before. To:

  • Be fully present
  • Be fully alive
  • Be fully joyful
  • Be fully hopeful
  • Be eternally grateful
  • Be “bow-down-on-my knees” humble

But that’s just me. What and or how are you preparing?

Change The World Poem

“When I was young and free my imagination had no limits, I dreamed I could change the world.

As I grew older and wiser, I realized the world would not change, and I decided to shorten my sights somewhat and change only my Country. But it seemed immovable.

As I entered my twilight years, in one last attempt, I sought only to change my family, those closest to me; but alas, they would have none of it.

And now here I lie on my deathbed, and I realize perhaps for the first time, that if I had only changed myself first, then by example I may have influenced my family, and with their encouragement and support, I may have bettered my country.

And who knows? I may have changed the world.”

Source: Anglican Bishop, written around 1100 AD – from the Crypt of Westminster Abbey