Yesterday morning, as I was returning from a run, a neighborhood middle school boy was waiting for his school bus.
As I was slowly running by, on the cool down portion, I said to him spontaneously, “Just do it! I could talk about exercising. I could think about exercising. I could hope to exercise. Or, I can just do it!”
He replied rather spontaneously, “You’re a beast“!
He meant it as a compliment. My body fat is around eight percent. I was shirtless and had that sweaty sheen from five good miles, plus the early Florida morning humidity.
I thought for a moment, and yelled back, “A blessed Beast“!
His Father is a Pastor, and I’m a life-long Disney advocate, and I was making a play on religion and the Disney classic, Beauty and the Beast.
Oh well, guess you had to be there.
If you don’t exercise, but want to, try something creative. Do something easy. A goal so small, you can’t fail. Do it five days in a row.
The following week, do just a hair more, for five more days.
Repeat this process week after week and guess where you’ll be a year from now?
Like it or not, you are responsible for your health. Ignoring this doesn’t make it go away.
No male on my Dad’s side made it past 60 years. I’ll be 50 in a couple weeks. Ever thought how you’d live your life if you only had ten years left?
Carpe diem, jeff noel