Thank You For Going

Maybe They Were On Sale
Maybe They Were On Sale

There are people who have so much passion for what they do, they make the status quo look like amateurs.

Not everyone can handle the pressure that comes from such passion.

Some wait their whole lives for it.

And some, well, it’s who they are.

It’s a manifestation of some higher purpose.

A higher calling.

They make sacrifices.

Some unintentional.

Some, unwanted.

Important things can suffer.

There is no easy answer.

There is no “one correct way”.

It’s a two-way street.

This is what makes it such a gamble.

Either way.

Taking risks is risky. And so is playing it safe.

Pick one.

But try not to pick the wrong one.

Bob Dylan

“He who’s not busy being born, is busy dying.” — Bob Dylan, folk singer

Lowell, MA March 16, 2010
Lowell, MA March 16, 2010

The Joy of Dying

Is there Joy in dying? Is there Joy in death?

There certainly is Joy in birth and obviously Joy in being born. Right?

In the past 30 days, I’ve been exposed to nearly one dozen deaths. And these deaths have involved people close to me, or people close to people I’m close to. Ya with me?

Just yesterday, a good friend told me how peaceful the death of her family member was.

It started with tragic news, and there was little time to accept and deal with the impending reality.

And yet in the end, she spoke of it being Peaceful. Joyful.

Perhaps, with a little (or a lot) planning, death will be something we don’t fear, but something we view as simply part of life. Not to be feared, but to be embraced.

Maybe then we can look forward to it. Joyfully.


WWJD. What would Jesus do? Most are familiar with this.

Because my mind works in mysterious ways, this acronym could also have a second meaning:

What would jeff do? No one is familiar with this.

That’s okay. As long as it means something to me (everyday), then the odds increase that better choices are made. One day at a time. Always an eye on the future. Always a reflection on the past. But mostly, carpe diem.

What do you do every day, to get and stay focused – in the moment to moment opportunities that today brings you?

You are preparing for this TODAY, right?