Guest Blogger This Sunday

It's Cold In Ohio
It's Cold In Ohio

Craig Nickoloff, from Ohio, will be’s Guest Blogger this Sunday.

Craig is a young man with a wife and two children. He’s a Christian, self-proclaimed Disney freak and a man who inspires me by his will and determination to become a better man, a better person.

We all struggle with it.

Can’t wait to introduce you to Craig on Sunday.

Have an AWESOME Friday today.

Safe For The Little Ears

Safe For The Big Ears Too
Safe For The Big Ears Too

Do you listen to music? I mean, all the time? Or do you listen to talk radio? Perhaps you don’t listen to radio at all.

It really makes no difference what we do.


Until we take an inventory of our spirit.


At any given moment, if you were put on the spot and forced to give an honest answer, could you immediately say, “I’m blessed beyond measure.”?

Could you? And we’re not talking some fake, or politically correct, “Of course!”

One of my secrets? Listening to Z88.3 every single day. The Z, as we call it here in Central Florida, plays contemporary Christian Music that is, Safe For The Little Ears.

Will Passion Transform You?

Will it? Can it? Should it?

Is it worth it? Is it worth it to you? Is it worth it to others?

Does it make a difference? Does it even matter?

Wouldn’t it be easier to live quietly, to live simply. Humbly?

Maybe. Maybe not.

I’m going to offer you the opportunity to jump over to jungle jeff, where I also wrote a blog post about Transformational Passion.

Bottom line, in my opinion, passion can, should and will transform you. And others around you.

It will not make anyone perfect, but it will make everyone better. Who doesn’t want that?

Why Followers Want Passion

Why do followers want passion?

Forgive me please. A few days ago, I promised to elaborate. So here it is.

Why do followers want passion? Pardon the boldness, but isn’t it obvious?

No. Seriously. Isn’t it obvious?

Who the heck wants to follow someone who doesn’t have passion?

Think about what it is that you admire in truly great leaders.

Passion usually revolves around wanting to do something very important, but with this caveat – to do something important even better. To do more of it.

And the funny thing is, the passion is so overwhelming, that others are drawn to it beyond their control.

Moses, Paul, Peter, John, Mary. Ya with me?
