Mid Life Celebration Seeks Exaltation

For every one who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.

No, seeking exaltation is not Mid Life Celebration’s goal.

Helping you find greater semblance of balance is MidLife Celebration’s goal.

Jesus wasn’t showing off when he went to Calvary. Hard work. Toil. Getting the word out. Things that must be done.

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Who Cares?

Never saw a knife ‘holder’ until last Friday in an Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia Bed & Breakfast. While it was very fancy, it reminds me of how we get distracted with needless things.

What percentage of your day do you worry about what others think of you?

What percentage of your day do you hesitate to do what you really think needs to be done?

It’s important to care, but when we care “too much” it actually, invisibly, and without consequence (which is dangerous), leads us down the path of unfulfilled responsibilities.

I am way too familiar with this. And you?

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Jesus Was A Doer

Jack (Teddy Bear) is a doer too, as he travels the globe, encouraging others to follow their childhood dreams…can you find Jack?

Jack at the ‘peak’ of a 15 foot tall snow mound in Bridgetown, Nova Scotia…

Jesus not only preached The Gospel, He helped write The Gospel.

Jesus advised people what they should do.

And he led from the front. Jesus was the ultimate doer.

What this means should be obvious. What is obvious is overlooked. What is overlooked becomes a habit. What becomes a habit, makes us an example or a warning.

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Lead From The Front

Bridgetown, Nova Scotia, two days ago…

Yesterday’s message was (is) the tip of the iceberg. There is a need to get the word out. Simply saying it doesn’t make it reach people.

You must be findable. To have a findability-factor on Google and other search engines, you have to work at it. Hard. Relentlessly.

The past few weeks have felt awkward, writing my name, jeff noel and jeffrey noel, over and over. Blog advisors tell you to not talk about yourself, but rather know what people want and blog about that.

The Blog Whisperer is suggesting that it is actually better to do what you advise, rather than say it.

That’s what people really want. They want a doer, not an advisor.

jeff noel, at Mid Life Celebration, is a doer. And you? It’s really your choice. To get over fear, embarrassment, insecurities.

Let your light shine, one small step at a time.

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