Why Followers Want Passion

Why do followers want passion?

Forgive me please. A few days ago, I promised to elaborate. So here it is.

Why do followers want passion? Pardon the boldness, but isn’t it obvious?

No. Seriously. Isn’t it obvious?

Who the heck wants to follow someone who doesn’t have passion?

Think about what it is that you admire in truly great leaders.

Passion usually revolves around wanting to do something very important, but with this caveat – to do something important even better. To do more of it.

And the funny thing is, the passion is so overwhelming, that others are drawn to it beyond their control.

Moses, Paul, Peter, John, Mary. Ya with me?


Stream Of Consciousness

November 10, 2009

9:30AM (exactly)

Dropped our son off at school

Late work schedule today – morning free

Sitting in my 20 year-old car, Macbook Pro on my lap

Back seat, door open, windy day

Z88.3 medium loud on the radio

Contemporary Christian Music – “Safe for the little Ears

Please pray for Kevin DeGiamamrino, his wife and child – Kevin is in Houston, again, for another Brain cancer surgery

Please pray for my Family

I’m praying for yours

Forgive the length of this post, I think

Pray for World Peace, an end to hunger, poverty, abortion, injustice, discrimination, greed

Go easy on yourself if you are really trying hard

Kick your own butt if you are wallowing in self-pity

Pray without ceasing – in everything give thanks

Consider donating to ZRadio – listening to it now

Can’t imagine life without the Z

Surrender. Self Control. Service.

Blogging to make a difference – passion, purpose, humility

Impossible is nothing

Crazy Busy

So I get to Church yesterday morning and panicked realized I’m not Lectoring until next Sunday. Oh well, chalk one up (another one actually) to being crazy busy.

Wouldn’t trade it for anything though. There are others among us, and you may be one of them, who have far greater things on your mind, or on your heart.

The Fort Hood shootings, the Orlando shootings, a friend undergoing brain surgery (again) for brain cancer, an ache that won’t go away.

Far from perfect, I still try to do my best every day. Do you find yourself trying really hard? Every day?

Do you find the courage to not give up? The strength to not give in? Do you find it?

Today, let’s not only lift others up in prayer, but why not lift ourselves up as well. What could it hurt? Carpe diem.

jeff noel Lector

jeff noel Lector.

Doing the first reading this morning at Mass. May God’s Holy Spirit fill me with the wisdom to read in such a way, that the parishioners will feel like God is speaking to them and not me.

Blessed beyond measure we are. Aren’t we?

What Was Your Answer?

Yesterday’s post asked, “What do followers want”?

What was your answer? Mine was simple.


Followers want a leader who has passion. Passion to make a difference. Passion to do good. For other people.

Ever wonder why people do the things they do? Ever wonder why you do the things you do? I do. Tomorrow, I’ll share my “why?”. Let’s compare again. Not comparing to see who’s right or wrong, simply an exercise to get us thinking.

“An unexamined life is not worth living”. Why are you here? What’s your purpose? Carpe diem.