Missing Carter


Ever miss something or someone so much that it takes your breath away?

Not wanting to belabor the point, however, yesterday was tough coming home.

You know what I’m talking about. And I was just grieving the loss of a Pet.

Ever wonder what it must be like to try to recover from the loss of a child, perhaps a teenager who is taken away suddenly and tragically?

Today is dedicated to those Families. If you are one of them, or know a Family like this (we know several), please pray for them with all your heart.

We can very likely assume that they are going through a hell that is impossible to imagine. And a hell that may never go away. Ever.

Blessed Passing

Have been following a friend’s recent journey with cancer. Her brother-in-law, who lives with her and her husband, was recently diagnosed with cancer – seems like less than a month ago.

Waking at 3:30AM this morning, with coffee in hand, fired up the laptops for the morning routine. Checked several social media “Favorites”, including Facebook.

My friend posted this update regarding her beloved brother-in-law: “He walked softly out the door with Jesus a few minutes ago”.

Moments like these are constant reminders that life is fragile, and an incomprehensible gift.

That life is painfully challenging and gloriously wonderful.