Sunday Is What You Make It

A Broken Back, A Broken Soul
A Broken Back, A Broken Soul

And so is every other day.

Today’s preparations include the usual:

  • Wake up early
  • On my knees in prayer
  • Coffee
  • Check email
  • LinkedIn, Twitter, You Tube, Facebook checks
  • Write five blogs
  • Practice the first reading

We leave in less than an hour, and by 9:00AM, I’ll be standing in front of nearly 1,500 Parishioners at Holy Family Catholic Church.

As a Lector (reader), I will speak God’s Holy Word to them. It’s over in less than two minutes.

It may be the only scripture they hear all week.

Can you comprehend this?

All week.

This is all they’ll get.

Sunday is what you make it.

And so is every moment of every day.

Thank You For Going

Maybe They Were On Sale
Maybe They Were On Sale

There are people who have so much passion for what they do, they make the status quo look like amateurs.

Not everyone can handle the pressure that comes from such passion.

Some wait their whole lives for it.

And some, well, it’s who they are.

It’s a manifestation of some higher purpose.

A higher calling.

They make sacrifices.

Some unintentional.

Some, unwanted.

Important things can suffer.

There is no easy answer.

There is no “one correct way”.

It’s a two-way street.

This is what makes it such a gamble.

Either way.

Taking risks is risky. And so is playing it safe.

Pick one.

But try not to pick the wrong one.


It's Up To You
It's Up To You

It’s been almost a year.

Almost a year since April 1, 2009.

Almost a year since I finally accepted our Pastor’s challenge.

Almost a year since I began every single day on my knees.

What’s stopping you from almost trying?

Impossible To Enjoy?

Lowell, Massachusetts Church
Lowell, Massachusetts Church

Ever love something, but because of things that seem out of your control, you realize that it’s almost impossible to enjoy?

Life is hard. No secret there.

Figuring out how to survive the daily, relentless pressures that come at us is part of life.

Our son (9) attends Catechism on Wednesday nights. Four years ago, I would drop him off and then sit in the parking lot doing work on my laptop, until PREP class was over.

Three years ago, I changed the process and became a volunteer, as a classroom assistant. The lead teacher has taught Catechism for about 15 years – a real pro.

Over and over in my mind, I mentally rehearsed being an awesome teacher, for those unexpected nights where I’m in charge. One that inspires nine-year olds to pay attention and be fully engaged. It never happens the way I visualize it. Quitting seems like the best alternative to racking my brain and emotions into despair.

Sometimes the lead teacher is unable to attend, leaving me at the mercy of the students. Call it the substitute-teacher syndrome.


It happens every time I am the (solo) lead teacher . They eat me alive with their ability to manipulate and control the classroom energy.

But not last night.

It’s Coming

Peter Cottontail?
Peter Cottontail?

In our busy world, important things are easy to overlook. Not because we are bad people, but because we have so much to do:

  • Work
  • Bills
  • Serve
  • Fix
  • Prepare
  • Eat
  • Worry
  • Sleep
  • Exercise
  • Read
  • Drive
  • Socialize
  • Church
  • School
  • Garden
  • Clean
  • Shower
  • Shop

And then, out of nowhere, an old friend knocks on our door. We answer the door, but don’t recognize the stranger.

It’s been a year.
