God Is Great!

God is great!

How do I know?

Because I listen.

To what?

I have a few aches and pain that are currently keeping me, and have kept me, from peak performance, as I head into the final days before the Master’s World Championships in Lahti, Finland.

“And your point is what”?

Even in adversity, there is God’s grace and mercy, as well as his never-ending Love.

Just ask Nick Vujicic: (I’m betting most of you will not have the guts to watch the entire 4-minute video – what a waste, in my humble opinion)

Ask Nick if God is Great.

Ask yourself. Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

The Hardest Thing

The hardest thing for me to do isn’t to get started.

Then what?

The hardest thing is to stay motivated.

Stay motivated?


For what?

To stay motivated to not quit.

That’s one of the secrets to great results.

For example, when do we ever reach a place where we can stop praying? Or stop exercising? Or stop learning? Or stop saving money?

We can not quit, can we? Well, I guess we can quit, but then we shouldn’t complain about where our spirit, our body, our mind, or our money goes.

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

We Agree To Disagree

We Agree to Disagree.

It’s healthy to have open, honest communication, right?

No secret there.

But it’s like many things in life – common sense, but not common practice.

And so it goes. We travel through life pretty aware of what we should do, but not motivated enough to do it.


Because, life, in general, is hard.

The antidote?

Focus, discipline and hard work.

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

How Do You Do It?

“How do you do it, Jeff”?

“Do what”?, I ask back.

“All of it”!

“Not sure exactly”, are the words that come out of my mouth.

“Then why do you do it”?

“Ah, that I can explain, as I smile with a ready answer.

“Because as a teacher, I believe it’s absolutely critical to practice what I preach. Period. End of story”.

My friend gives me a funny look – part surprise, part frustration and disappointment – from my answer.

Remember the tag line at www.Lane8.org ?

“If your goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough”! jeff noel 🙂

Carpe diem, and reach for the sky! jeff 🙂

I Miss Randy Pausch

I miss Randy Pausch.


Because he inspired me, and countless others, to rethink the way we live our daily lives.

His battle with Pancreatic cancer ended one year ago today. He was 47 when he said goodbye to his wife and three children, all under six years old.

He was fully aware he was going to die, and he used that, I believe, to find an elevated reason to live.

Wanna know a secret about this whole scenario?

We are all dying.

The challenge for most of us? We don’t use this fact to find an elevated reason to live.

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂