Wednesday Quotes, 3/5

Once the ‘what’ is decided, the ‘how’ always follows. We must not make the ‘how’ an excuse for not facing and accepting the ‘what. – Pearl S. Buck

Interpret this any way you wish.

The very fact we are alive is a Love offering. How we manifest Love in our lives is the essence of what versus how.

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Can I Have A Light?

Traveling Into The Unknown

And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year: Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown. And he replied: Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God. That shall be to you better than light, and safer than a known way. ~ Minnie L. Haskins

Do not expect 2011 to be easy. Expect only that you will not walk alone.

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Unfair Advantage, jeff noel

Unfair advantage goes to jeff noel and his nine-year old son.

What the? Huh?

Yes, unfair. Completely unfair.

Or maybe, just maybe, it’s an absolute and utter competitive advantage.

Depends on how you view the cup.

Frequently (way too frequently) our son has migratory joint pain. It lasts from a few hours to a few days. It infests his ankle, pinky finger, wrist, knee, elbow, palm, foot, shoulder, and sometimes his hip.

And, it picks one single location, not all simultaneously. Just one.

Whenever it impacts from the waist down, it will limit his mobility. Doesn’t stop him, just limits him.

Ever seen a three-legged dog?

Sometimes he’s a one-legged boy. Everyone at his school gets it. It’s Chapin. He’s special.

Outside of familiar surroundings, people think there’s something wrong – “Why don’t his parents take him to a doctor and get him checked, and fixed”?

Dude, you have no earthly idea how many doctors, treatments, tests, x-rays, needles, medicines he’s seen.

But my wife and I have.

And even so, we feel blessed beyond measure.

And, ironically, as I type this, Jeremy Camp’s “There Will Be A Day” is playing….. There will be a day, with no more tears, no more pain, no more fears. There will be a day, when the burdens of this place will be no more and we’ll see Jesus face to face…:

To be continued…..Meanwhile, carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

jeff noel, Why?

jeff noel, why do you always use lower case letters in your name?

Because it reminds me of my small place in this world.

It reminds me of the impossible human goal to be humble.

It gives me a dose of courage every time I do it.


You try it. And see how ridiculous it feels to always use lower case. Always.

Being humble is not a destination, but a way of life.

I used to be so confused about this. And even as I end this blog post with my name in lower case letters, I am once again reminded of my small place in our great big world.

Sieze the day. Seriously. Grab it and take a risk that scares you to death. jeff noel 🙂