Volunteering – Involving Your Family?

Yesterday a fellow public speaker asked an excellent question. By the way, great professional speakers ask great questions.

“What about volunteering with your family”? It was not clear in yesterday’s post, so here it is now.

All our volunteer efforts start with, “Can we do this as a Family”?

Not only is being visible important to setting a good example, but so is involvement.

My wife serves as a Minister of Holy Communion on the days I Lector. Afterwards, our son helps me carry the Gospel (a very large, heavy book) back to the Sacristy. Been doing this since he could walk.

It was cute the first few years because it was only symbolic. He was not strong enough to actually help. But children don’t care. He actually believed he was lifting it.

You know, in a weird sort of way, he actually was. Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

Volunteering Is A Lifestyle

Didn’t consciously think about this until our son was born in 2000.

In studying human nature, I concluded there were several choices:

  1. Volunteering for things that take you away from your Family
  2. Volunteering for things that do not take you away from your Family
  3. Volunteering for a little of both
  4. Not volunteering

This morning, I’m a Lector at our Church. Once or twice a month I have the privilege to read from the Old Testament or the New Testament.

The (two) Lectors act as God’s voice, and read critical pieces of scripture to the congregation.

Our son sees this every time I volunteer. Visible is good. Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂


My wife and I share an invisible disability. We spent our entire life savings to overcome it. And while spending, we were never guaranteed success.

I asked a friend of mine, just yesterday, “May I talk about our relationship in my blogs”? He said yes. I figured he would.

His disability can be seen a mile away.

I was at Golds Gym earlier this year when another friend said, “You’re gifted”.

I argued back that I wasn’t. I said, “The only gift I have is that Jesus is my Lord and Savior”.

It’s almost 7:00AM and I have one more blog to write. Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

Labor Day Weekend 2009

Labor Day Weekend 2009.

Most likely our plans revolve around traditional American activities.

Get togethers with family or friends. Food. Drink. Music. Fun. Games. Sports. Yard work. Car repairs. Chores. Errands. Rest. Relaxation. Prayer.

Since I wasn’t 100% certain what Labor Day stood for, I Googled it.

I hope while I’m engaging in the traditional American activities, there will be significant chunks of time where I can give thanks for the countless blessings we all enjoy as American Citizens.

One of the biggest blessings is being able to walk around in public and not worry about a bomb exploding.

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

John Nelson Darby

“To me the Lord’s coming is not a question of prophecy, but my present hope… There is no event between me and Heaven”. — John Nelson Darby

Gonna leave this one up for individual interpretation.

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂