Happy Birthday Aunt Jennifer

Happy Birthday Aunt Jennifer.

My Aunt Jennifer’s birthday is today.

She may never read this, but that isn’t stopping me from thinking about her and hoping she has her best birthday ever.

Some people say it stinks to get old.

I guess it could if you let it.

Don’t you think getting old is one of the greatest gifts God bestows on us?

I do.

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

Thank You Father Richard

Thank you Father Richard Lopez. Huh? Yes! Thank you Father Lopez.

On my connecting flight from Atlanta, home to Orlando, I had the privilege to sit next to Father Lopez.

I’m walking down the isle of the Delta aircraft, and I see a Priest. I’m secretly hoping two things:

  1. We get to sit together.
  2. He’ll have a few minutes to talk.

Well, number one came true, I was assigned to sit next to him. But, he had a thick history book, couple hundred pages to be sure, on his lap. I figured this might be a subtle tactic to find some quiet time – for a man everyone wants to talk to. “He probably never gets any rest”, I thought to myself.

Guess what, we talked the whole way. Wow, was I grateful.

He was such a wonderful man to talk with. And, above all things, I’ll remember him being an excellent listener and a generous soul – giving me his undivided attention the entire flight.

I only hope he got half as much from it that I did from him.

You never know when or where your next wonderful opportunity to learn will come from. However, I will bet one thing, it’s right around the next corner, or just down the isle.

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

I’m Afraid of Success

I’m afraid of success. I think. Not sure exactly.

In teaching yesterday afternoon, here in St Louis, while my colleague was speaking, I had these little moments where I did a quick inventory of my life.

It went something like this.

“Am I a living example, a role model so to speak, of the concept I just spoke about”?

There’s a “thing” I have with many professional speakers – much talk, little action. I’d like to be a professional speaker with much action and little talk.

I poured myself out, giving everything I had, emotionally, to our audience yesterday. So much so, that I was nauseous after the five hour program. In the van ride back to our hotel, thought I might vomit in front of all my peers.

I took some advil, rested, found something I thought I could stomach from the room service menu, and waited. Eating enough to satisfy my hunger and long enough for the advil to work, my severe headache faded away.

While this was happening, I checked Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Apple and Earthlink email.

Came across a great You Tube video link to a Paul Coleman song. And from there, found this Brandon Health song. It’s the type of song Z88.3 plays (see July 14 post).

Here it is: Give Me Your Eyes

There are times when I feel like what I do will only matter if everything I get, I get so I can give it to someone who needs it more.

Ya with me? Think I’m crazy? Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

Surrender. Self-Control. Service.

Surrender. Self-Control. Service.

Know how long it took to develop that tagline?

A few days. Not a bad investment.

I’m also open-minded to changing it, if it would be more effective.

Change. Proactive. Vision. Passion. Entrepreneur. Risk. Peace.

I love words, especially words that inspire me. Do you get inspired by a single word?

What about two words? Carpe diem!

Three? Surrender. Self-Control. Service.

Z88.3 is the Best Radio Station

Is Z88.3 the best radio station in Central Florida?

No. It’s the best Contemporary Christian radio station in the world.

Tune in to 88.3 or 88.7 to listen here in Orlando.

You can also visit www.zradio.org from anywhere in the world to listen.

Either way, it’s a life-saver for me. Has been for years.

And not only a life saver, but a life enhancer.

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

PS. With God as my witness, I’d be a lesser person without the Z. Seriously.

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