What Do Followers Want?

What do followers want?

Ever thought about a question like this?

Ever think about it long enough to determine a firm answer?

Why not try it right now. Think about this question.

Tomorrow, I’ll reveal an answer and we can see how closely we think. Carpe diem. 🙂

In Everything, Give…

In everything, give thanks. Every day.

I’m thankful:

  • for being insanely busy
  • for writing five daily blogs
  • for traveling without my family
  • for having writer’s block

Saying it, and not meaning it, is the worst example we can set for people looking to us for a role model. For someone who wants to believe that sacred words and thoughts are more than just words or thoughts.

People are looking for someone who walks the talk, as we say in America. Someone who practices what they preach.

I keep looking for that person in the mirror. Still coming up short. And I’m thankful for that too. I’m also thankful that I keep trying, and after 50 years, still have not given up.


That’s all we can do really, isn’t it? Try.

Seems simple enough. Just try.

Try to do what?

Try to do your best. To be a good and decent person, using a moral compass as our guide.

jeff noel.org is one of the ways I try to practice what I preach. But you already knew that, right?

PS. (gulp) How do you think I’m doing?