Praying Is Bad

Praying is bad. That sounds so ridiculous to me.

How can praying be bad?

Oh, I get it, praying doesn’t work. Is that it?

A few months back, maybe longer, I was traveling with a very good friend. We talked about many things. Sports, travel, work, relationships, health, family and even “religion”.

There appeared to be some skepticism about the whole praying thing.

I suggested, “If a person doesn’t feel close to God, guess who moved”?

God does not forsake his people. Ever. Never ever.

This may seem difficult to understand, but I can’t understand why.

Maybe I’m missing something. Maybe he is. Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

jeff noel, Why?

jeff noel, why do you always use lower case letters in your name?

Because it reminds me of my small place in this world.

It reminds me of the impossible human goal to be humble.

It gives me a dose of courage every time I do it.


You try it. And see how ridiculous it feels to always use lower case. Always.

Being humble is not a destination, but a way of life.

I used to be so confused about this. And even as I end this blog post with my name in lower case letters, I am once again reminded of my small place in our great big world.

Sieze the day. Seriously. Grab it and take a risk that scares you to death. jeff noel 🙂

Chapin, I Will Not Rest Until A Cure Is Found

Our son, Chapin, has an incurable disease. Yesterday, this airport hallway sign caught my eye. Click on the photo to enlarge it to read:

Would you? on Twitpic

If you could improve a life, would you?

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

On My Knees

Still starting every day on my knees.

Started April 1, 2009.

Hopefully, it’ll never get old.

Ever wonder what you’ll be like when you get old?

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

Perfectly Imperfect?

“It is only imperfection that complains of what is imperfect. The more perfect we are, the more gentle and quiet we become toward the defect of others”. Francois Fenelon

Wow. Humbling to realize that in my imperfection, I am prone to complain about other’s defects, when in fact, I need only go to the mirror to get a closer look.

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂