Please Pray For This Family

Please pray for this Family. There’s a very special Family in mind, and you most likely don’t know them, but also most likely, you know someone just like them.

A year ago today, in what was simply another ordinary day for this Family, the phone rang that night.

“Your daughter has been in an accident”.

Their precious daughter was severely injured and she was not expected to make it through the injuries.

Somehow she did.

But in a fate most of us can’t even remotely comprehend, nine days later, she unexpectedly passed.

To go to the edge of the cliff, then pulled back from it, and then to suddenly plunge unexpectedly over, breaks my heart to think about.

In a CaringBridge update yesterday, I was reminded of this “anniversary”, and will honor their request to never miss an opportunity to tell my son or my wife, “I love you”.

What If You Did?

What if you started everyday on your knees? And if you don’t have knees, like a few of my friends, use whatever position would be your equivalent.

What would happen to you if you did this every day?

Would it ruin your morning?

Would it be disgustingly inconvenient?

Would you look or feel like a fool?

This begs a question. “Why don’t you start everyday this way? Seriously”.

Believe or Not Believe?

That is the question. Isn’t it? It really comes down to a simple choice.

One or the other.

There is no neutral. Even if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Faith. Love. Hope. God. Jesus.

For others who are still deciding, are you an example or a warning?

In Just Two Short Days

Have started to turn a corner and am feeling really good about the future.

The simple act of writing a few things down (for the world to see) makes one enormously vulnerable.

Being vulnerable creates a certain humility. A good humility.

This is a great place to start.

I love all my Family up in Pennsylvania. The journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step.

Looking forward to the first few miles…..

I Don’t Know How to Start

A lifetime of learned behaviors. Life is hard. And mostly difficult. And busy. And distracting.

Some days, maybe while watching a movie or TV show, we see a Family that seems to have it all together and wonder why we can’t live like that.

It’s a movie, okay? It’s not real. Yet perhaps there’s some compromise between what’s portrayed in books and movies, and what is our current reality.

Maybe. maybe not.

I’d like to find out.

Carpe diem, jeff 🙂