And Furthermore

Building on yesterday’s jeff noel blog post…..

Blogging every day, and posting on the Internet for the world to see, adds an element of risk few people can comprehend.


Because anyone, and I do mean anyone, can “see what you think” – can “see what you value”.

There is also a saying in life, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained”. Risk has it’s own rewards.

Are you determined to find out what they are? Carpe diem.

Want To Know The Benefits?

One of the benefits to blogging every day is going through the process of what to write and how to write it. Only people who “journal” or “write a diary” daily can fully appreciate this phenomenon.

And, if I do say so myself, the process of posting it on a public Internet blog for the world to see, adds an untapped benefit that “private writers” have yet to discover.

The daily act requires more effort than occasional blogging, in my opinion. Over time, your creativity and your topics could dry up. Plus, you really have to think long and hard about what you value. And if you ever expect people to “follow your path”, you have to know and study your audience.

“The unexamined life is not worth living”. — Socrates

John Nelson Darby

“To me the Lord’s coming is not a question of prophecy, but my present hope… There is no event between me and Heaven”. — John Nelson Darby

Gonna leave this one up for individual interpretation.

Carpe diem, jeff noel ๐Ÿ™‚

Dove Awards & Orlando’s jeff noel

“How vane it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live”. — Henry David Thoreau

I feel fairly qualified to sit down to write five blogs each day. Turning 50 last week, overcoming addiction, triumphing over disability, and dealing with a host of other life-changing events, has prepared me to write and to inspire. Even if ultimately, I’m the only one inspired. ๐Ÿ™‚

A man who has inspired me for nearly 20 years, is the one who shared the awesome Thoreau quote.

Lee Cockerell’s blog is an excellent place to go for inspiration and practical, common sense leadership advice. The quote above is from Thoreau. The timing is from Lee’s website it’s on his home page.

There is some special wisdom about doing small things with great love. The continuing story of “Dovey” is helping me understand this more clearly, as I watch in wonder as the miracle unfolds each day.

Last night’s and this morning’s very short video updates:

Carpe diem, jeff noel ๐Ÿ™‚