My Son’s Pain Update

Last night after delivering a Web Seminar, I picked up our third-grade son, like every other day. Except Wednesday, we have Catechism.

He’s a student and I’m a junior assistant deputy teacher. Miss Jane runs the class, and I sort of help by staying out of the way and pitching in here and there.

Anyway, our routine is a drive-through fast food place for dinner, eat on the way and in the parking lot. Clean ourselves up a bit. Class 6:30 – 7:45PM. Head home.

Our son could barely walk on his right leg, so we did not go.

We never know when he will have pain, where he will have pain (it migrates all over his body), or how long it will last.

It’s just a part of our landscape. We simply do the best we can, and keep moving forward.


Catechism. Missed the first one last night.

Life is insanely busy for many people. Organizational structure can help alleviate (not eliminate) common, everyday hassles.

To that end, every day my wife takes our son to school (no bus service available). I pick him up. When there are exceptions to this process, the alternate plan is simple and crystal clear.

Everything changes. Like when I travel. Like yesterday. So I missed the first day of Catechism.

Not a big deal. Usually. Except for one thing. I volunteer as a “junior assistant” third-grade Catechist teacher.

The full time teacher is a pro and can clearly handle my absence. But it’s not her I’m worried about.