The reason we need people who think differently is so obvious

Flower Bomb - what a perfect name for a landscaping company
Flower Bomb – what a perfect name for a landscaping company


The reason we need people who think differently is so obvious.

It’s the same obvious insight as a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate rest that leads to better wellness.

Both are irrefutable…

An audacious look at attacking dementia in a way that makes sense but seems absurdly unscientific. (Note: Sorry, the video is no longer available in the USA – perhaps it is too controversial, or maybe it’s just an anomaly).

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And now for something completely different

jeff proudly offers something completely different than the past nine days.

It’s still about Florida birds, but completely different.

By the way, no You Tube video of Little Dovey yesterday. That was done on purpose.

Just wanted to take a break and see what happens.

Sometimes, little changes can make a big difference. The difference can be positive or not positive. This is why humans have a tough time with life. We don’t want to fail, so we don’t do anything.

Like I always say, “I’d rather try and fail, than not ry at all”. Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂