
That’s all we can do really, isn’t it? Try.

Seems simple enough. Just try.

Try to do what?

Try to do your best. To be a good and decent person, using a moral compass as our guide.

jeff is one of the ways I try to practice what I preach. But you already knew that, right?

PS. (gulp) How do you think I’m doing?

A Good Cry?

ABC, Extreme Makeover – Home Edition. This show can humble me beyond belief.

Last night was no exception. Why?

Have you not seen the show?

It makes me cry every time I watch it with my family, which is almost every Sunday night.

I cry, not so much for the featured Family’s situation, as I do for the way the people who help are impacted.

The builder from last night’s show – looked to be 50 to 60 years old – said, “I’ll never do anything the same”.

Let’s assume he was already a good man. What is the significance of a good man saying, “I’ll never do anything the same”?

To see a fellow human being be so moved by a simple act of compassion, almost always makes me cry.

A good cry, to be sure. Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂