Dear Son, at the center of the Universe is Love, at the center of Love is…

photo of a key chain serenity prayer
the serenity prayer contains the tactic to achieve peace and contentment


Dear Son, at the center of the Universe is Love, at the center of Love is…

  • peace
  • contentment

Peace with who we are. Content with what we have.

This frees us to love unconditionally.

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This month jeff noel is encouraging Mid Life Celebration readers to follow all five daily blogs about work life balance. It’s a breeze to go from this spiritual health blog to the money (career) blog, just click -> go to Next Blog


Thanksgiving Week

Few Know Peace & Contentment Better Than These Two
Few Know Peace & Contentment Better Than These Two

Feeling thankful and showing gratitude, comes down to a simple choice:

  1. Being thankful for what you have
  2. Or worrying about what you don’t

Long ago, while contemplating the meaning of life, I became convinced it is to have peace with who you are, and to be content with what you have.

Next Blog

And The Question Is…….?

The question, to the answer, “To Love and Be Loved”.

Drum roll please……………

“What is the meaning of Life”?

Before our son was born, I had a dream where I was about 65 years old, and our son, now eight, was older, maybe in his twenties, and he asked me, very seriously and deliberately, “Dad, what’s the meaning of Life”?

And I looked at him him the way everyone looks when asked the World’s most important question – dumbfounded, confused, and embarrassed – and said,“Hmmm. That’s a great question. I don’t know”.

Or worse yet, I attempt some long-winded answer, that is just a disguise to my ignorance and lack of forethought and preparation.

“Pathetic”, is the first thing I thought of as I analyzed this dream.

“How can you not know, Dad”? My son sadly asks. “How can you not know after all these years”?, he mutters.

Then I wake up. It was only a dream. Thank God it was only a dream.

Or was it? Hmmm……. Carpe Diem, jeff noel 🙂