Blessed Passing

Have been following a friend’s recent journey with cancer. Her brother-in-law, who lives with her and her husband, was recently diagnosed with cancer – seems like less than a month ago.

Waking at 3:30AM this morning, with coffee in hand, fired up the laptops for the morning routine. Checked several social media “Favorites”, including Facebook.

My friend posted this update regarding her beloved brother-in-law: “He walked softly out the door with Jesus a few minutes ago”.

Moments like these are constant reminders that life is fragile, and an incomprehensible gift.

That life is painfully challenging and gloriously wonderful.

In Just Two Short Days

Have started to turn a corner and am feeling really good about the future.

The simple act of writing a few things down (for the world to see) makes one enormously vulnerable.

Being vulnerable creates a certain humility. A good humility.

This is a great place to start.

I love all my Family up in Pennsylvania. The journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step.

Looking forward to the first few miles…..

I Don’t Know How to Start

A lifetime of learned behaviors. Life is hard. And mostly difficult. And busy. And distracting.

Some days, maybe while watching a movie or TV show, we see a Family that seems to have it all together and wonder why we can’t live like that.

It’s a movie, okay? It’s not real. Yet perhaps there’s some compromise between what’s portrayed in books and movies, and what is our current reality.

Maybe. maybe not.

I’d like to find out.

Carpe diem, jeff đŸ™‚


Failing? Probably. It weighs heavy on my soul and heart. I’d really like to be a better:

  • Son
  • Brother
  • Nephew
  • Uncle

Yet after decades of learned behavior, there’s a struggle deep down inside that seems overwhelming.

Overwhelming, yes. Impossible, no.

The people involved in this are going to have to want this too. It takes two. This is not a one-sided challenge, nor a one-sided opportunity. Is it me, or is that ticking sound the clock?


Stuck? Sort of. A lot has happened this past week. Some incredibly awesome stuff. Some horrific stuff.

I work hard to focus on the positive side, without sacrificing what the horrible stuff is telling me.

Love and hate. Heaven and hell. God and the devil. Faith and unbelief. Mysteries and facts.

So what is surfacing as I type this (and I trusted something would), is that we all have a choice to make.

In fact we have lots of choices. Each day. All day. Everyday.

It takes practice and discipline to increase our “batting average”.

Make today a great day. Go in there swinging and keep your eye on the ball.