No Regrets If Today Is The Last

Our beloved Canine son, Carter, our 11-year old Yellow Lab, is very sick.

What started a few weeks ago, appearing to be the a routine distraction from food – a neighbor’s pet in heat – has manifested itself into complications we may not recover from. Cancer.

While our hearts are breaking, they are not completely shattered. Big difference.

We have no regrets with Carter. We have given and received all there is and was, to give and receive.

Peace and blessings. Faith, Hope and Love.

Life. Death.

Trust in the Lord with all our heart, all our mind, and all our strength.

And then cry like a baby, until we can no longer stay awake.

Coincidence Perhaps?

Corner Stone
Corner Stone

Perhaps, all our “good fortune” can be summed up by his quote I found, tucked away in a folder from 2004.

“Coincidence is a small miracle which God wishes to remain anonymous.” — unknown

Ya with me?

PS. Assertiveness is a trait. Arrogance a burden.


Is Excellence Showing Off?
Is Excellence Showing Off?

Sometimes, friends nearby will say to me, “Showoff.”

At Gold’s Gym one time, Joe said, “You intimidate people.”

“What are you talking about, Joe”, I asked, confused and astonished.

He said, “You intimidate people. Because you’re gifted.” Come to find out he was referring to my physical fitness appearance.

I told Joe “The only gift I have, is that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.” We both smiled big smiles.

Maybe six years ago, two colleagues and I were in the break area, the two of them discussing their latest diet (Atkins I think it was), and I asked them, “How come no one ever asks me what I do – to lose weight, I mean?”

“You don’t need to worry about it”, was the quick and serious reply.

Know what I said? And I was pissed frustrated with their answer. I said, “I worry about it every single day, that’s why I don’t need to worry about it!!”

You know what? Maybe working harder than others is showing off.

The “guilt” you’ve heard me talk about is really just a humble attempt to say I do not feel guilty. I’ve busted my back trying to make extra-ordinary from ordinary. And it’s been one success after another.

Now, I guess being the Internet’s only “Five-a-Day Blogger” is showing off too?

Back To Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods.

Does he deserve forgiveness? Will you, if you haven’t, forgive him?

Or is he unforgivable? The lying, cheating, dirty, no good scum of the earth. Is that it?

Tempting isn’t it? Difficult, isn’t it? Will we find it impossible?

All things are possible for him who trusts in the Lord. Is that a figment of my imagination, or did I read or hear about this somewhere?

Okay, so here’s my final answer, and it comes straight from Jesus’ mouth, “Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone.”

The Joy of Living

The Joy of Living is one of the most elusive of all endowments.

Why? Just watch a child and you’ll find your answer. Having a child (9-year old boy) in our home is a daily reminder.

We all, at least I do, need daily reminders of this simple fact, don’t we? Why? Because life is hard, especially in today’s challenging and uncertain world.

Every day is an opportunity to count our blessings. Anyone need a calculator?